Meet Your Teachers


白嘎丽, 蒙古族, 内蒙古乌拉特部落。中央民族大学舞蹈学院舞蹈表演学士, 蒙古国文化艺术大学舞蹈编导及导演硕士, 纽约大学舞蹈教育硕士。学生时代的白老师在荷花杯, 桃李杯等舞蹈大赛多次获奖。她多年在首都师范大学附小和北京服装学院担任舞团编导及教师, 也曾担任艺考老师, 帮助多位学生考入知名艺术院校, 还在2019年内蒙古春晚担任舞蹈编创及总导演, 并且同年在内蒙古呼和浩特市服装模特大赛担任评委。白老师在纽约大学攻读学位的时候, 应邀在Steinhardt学院和曼哈顿公立高中担任客座讲师, 受到学生们和教授们的一致好评。白老师的教学严谨细致, 从培养身体协调性, 到提高体能和肌肉素质, 继而培养舞感, 进入情绪表达, 环环相扣, 由浅入深, 旨在把每个热爱舞蹈的业余学生培养成为具有专业素质的舞者。

Baigali is a member of the Urad tribe from Inner Mongolia, China. She earned her Bachelor of Arts at Minzu University (China College of Dance) prior to earning two Master's Degrees. First, she obtained her Master of Fine Arts in Choreography and Dance Directing in Mongolia at the Mongolian University of Art and Culture. After moving to the US, she proceeded to acquire her second Master's Degree in Dance Education from New York University.

During her school years, Baigali won many dance competitions awards, such as the Lotus Cup and Taoli Cup. She also worked as a dance troupe choreographer and teacher for several years in the Primary School Affiliated to Capital Normal University and Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology for many years. She is a seasoned teacher, having spent many years training students for dance school entrance exams and admission into prestigious dance colleges. While studying for her Master's at New York University, she guest lectured several times at Steinhardt College and Manhattan Public High School. Her classes were well loved by everyone who attended.

Beyond her teaching experiences, Baigali served as Chief Director and dance choreographer for the 2019 Inner Mongolia Spring Festival Gala. In that same year, She served as a judge of a fashion model competition in Hohhot, China.

Baigali's teaching is rigorous, holistic, and meticulous, encompassing every aspect of dance from flexibility, fitness and strength training to dance aesthetics and emotional expression. Her systematic teaching style maximizes the potential of every amateur dance lover. By sharing her love of the dance and through consistency of her training regimen, Baigali hopes to unlock the dancer in all of us.


Hanmei从48岁开始练舞蹈基本功, 那时的她驼背, 有肩周炎, 腰痛, 坐骨神经痛和膝盖痛, 10分钟的核心训练她需要休息10次才能完成。三年后的今天, 她解决了横叉竖叉, 她越来越多地意识到体态, 随时调整驼背, 她的慢性疼痛开始一点一点消失, 她可以连续四个小时高强度练功。她知道哪些痛是软开必须经历的, 哪些痛是身体需要修养的信号。她兴奋地和同学们分享身体的变化, 开心地觉得年龄并不限制对舞蹈的热爱。就这样开始带着拉伸班的同学们一起练功, 希望每个人都感受到身体自愈, 涨功, 还有突破极限的喜悦。她喜欢开玩笑, 她态度温和要求严格, 她最喜欢的事就是大家一起核心训练难度越来越大、下叉越来越低、踢腿搬腿耗腿越来越高……她最喜欢的学生就是你